Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pardon my own POV: misfortunes

Pardon my own POV: misfortunes: "Life is full of misfortunes, no matter how hard you struggle to be on top, you always find yourself being pulled down. Sometimes it maybe th..."

Pardon my own POV: Freedom

Pardon my own POV: Freedom: "Many lives were wasted and sacrificed in pursuit of what they call freedom. While there are heroes who died of bloody battle, there are thos..."

Pardon my own POV: The Beggar

Pardon my own POV: The Beggar: "She's sitting at her favorite corner, where she stays until the mass has ended and all the people had gone. Sitting comfortably, as if sayin..."

Pardon my own POV: Keys

Pardon my own POV: Keys: "I once knew of an old lady who had many keys. As a child, I wondered why does she have so many keys, until I gathered the courage to ask her..."


I once knew of an old lady who had many keys. As a child, I wondered why does she have so many keys, until I gathered the courage to ask her..She smiled, and said those were the keys for things which she treasures be. I was fascinated and thought she must be that really rich to have those keys to her treasures.
Then, she put her hand on my head as if reading my mind, and said that there's one key which I still don't see. I looked-up at her with innocence, holding my tiny hand, she placed it on top of her chest," in here you could feel the key which makes us happy, which gives us peace, which makes us trust others, the key which gives us hope...and it is the key of love. The love which makes me want to live, the love which I share to anyone without wanting in return, the love which is always lost when people let hatred govern their hearts and mind.
I remembered that old lady, and I once dreamed of having treasures and keys to lock them up, but I never did. For I am not rich as she was,yet I had the most important key....The key of Love...

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Beggar

She's sitting at her favorite corner, where she stays until the mass has ended and all the people had gone. Sitting comfortably, as if saying it's her territory. Then a woman who was dressed at her best got angry when she tried to hold her begging for alms. Acting as if she was infected with a disease which she may have caused if she was able to touch her skin. She was so angry, that hypocrite, I could say she was a saint for she never missed a mass. Or maybe she thought she was a saint, less miserable than that old woman, a head-turner to the society where she belongs. Looking back, I asked my self, if she was truly luckier, having to spend much to maintain her status, to earn bigger for the luxury of life she was used to. She worries of what she will wear the next day, how many recipes she'd prepare on her table, of how many times she'll change her sheets. While the old woman who is contented with rags wrapped around  her body, of the alms thrown to her to buy something she could eat, if luckier, she could find a sandwich in the trash, and she could sleep soundly lying on her favorite corner. She never have to worry about the society who doesn't worry about her, she was luckier for she was satisfied of what she have, of what she can afford of having...That old woman...the beggar...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pardon my own POV: misfortunes

Pardon my own POV: misfortunes

Pardon my own POV: Freedom

Pardon my own POV: Freedom


Many lives were wasted and sacrificed in pursuit of what they call freedom. While there are heroes who died of bloody battle, there are those who fought in silence. Men who believed a pen and paper is all it takes to awaken people of their deep sleep and surrender from their bloody deeds. Yet as we march towards the street and brag about how we gained or regained our freedom, we find ourselves consoled of the fact that it is temporary. For when we are not satisfied of what's happening around us, of what we had since we joined the battle, then and again shall we struggle over and over in search of the 7 letter word. But then, why don't we ask ourselves first if we know the real meaning of freedom before we run to the streets or begin a fight? Maybe freedom isn't about being free from dictatorship and be able to say words which insults other people; perhaps it isn't about being able to do whatever you desire without anyone controlling us. Well, freedom for us to know is when we are open to hear and understand the shortcomings of other people, when we can go about without the fear of ending up as a victim of crimes, when we are free from the desire of human lust, of luxuries which makes us desire for more than we need and of the desire of being always at the top and in power among others. When we could free our mind of such desires, then we can truly say we are free!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Life is full of misfortunes, no matter how hard you struggle to be on top, you always find yourself being pulled down. Sometimes it maybe the result of what we've done in the past, or maybe we want much more than we needed. Only the strong survives, those who have the power and the money to make things happen  the way they want to. But then, misfortunes aren't always misfortunes as we think they are...For they could end up as hints to what we really deserve and are capable of having and doing...Life indeed is how we make it, misfortune or not, it's always up to us to continue fighting for a life we wanted or we could just let ourselves be swept on a direction where we suit....