Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Death is a word which we all hate to utter especially when we’re in the peak of our lives. At times when we enjoy the many wonders of life not to mention the trials and pain we have to endure. As I always remember what my aunt says, “it’s happy to live a life even when you are in trying times for at the end of the day the beauty of it will always emerge”. But the end of it is a fact that we should face or should be prepared for. As the saying goes, “death comes like a thief in the night.” For most of us it’s true, yet there are people who have the luck of knowing when it would be and be prepared for it. Or are they really lucky to know when the reason behind is the worst illness of all that we have known?
There was once a priest who said that cancer patients are lucky for they can prepare for their death while they are still strong, slowly being eaten by cancer. Yet the pain which is associated with it is the agony for the patient and its family. I should know, because my mother was a cancer patient, she had a cervical cancer. Something which she had felt for so long but wasn’t aware of. She usually takes pain killers and tabs which she had to drink to stop the bleeding. Not until the day she was bleeding profusely did I insisted on taking her to the OBGyne who by the first time she checked her had sensed something was getting worse with my mom.
It was cervical cancer that was causing the bleeding, stage III. I can feel and hear the pain she went through, started losing weight until she was completely bedridden. Then as a very strong person as everyone knows, she even told me how she felt way back when the cancer wasn’t as worst. She really was a strong person; it was from her I got my strength. But was she able to prepare herself before her death? In some ways I could say she did though time was so short for her to accomplish everything she wanted to be done. For what can a weakling patient do in a span of less than 3 months? Then with her heart and soul she freely committed herself to her creator unlike accident victims and victims of violence. Cancer has a way of preparing us for death maybe…but who in this world would want to have cancer? No way, not anyone would do…I’ve seen many of them and the pain they suffer, the cost of having it for as long there’s still a heartbeat you will try to save a cancer patient though you know he will die just the same.
Sometimes we fear death because we don’t want to leave our loved ones. We may envy cancer patients if we believe they are lucky to know they are dying so death won’t come when we least wanted it. Cancer is a disease, a painful one, an expensive illness but not a way to prepare and change our lives to be better before we leave. For we can always do what is right and ought to be in the right direction as long as we live…as long there’s air to breath…to enjoy life even with so many trials…to live one day at a time…and just be glad to experience life…

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